Use SmarterMail's Touch-and-Go Features

SmarterMail's touch-and-go feature creates clickable links from phone numbers, street addresses and email addresses that appear in messages, contacts, calendars, tasks and notes. Clicking on these links enables click-to-call, click-to-map and click-to-mail functionality.

Applies to SmarterMail 8.x - 14.x

Follow these steps to use SmarterMail's touch-and-go features:

  1. Hover the cursor/pointer over a valid email address, phone number or street address.
  2. A tool tip will display that includes the available actions. For example, hovering over an email address will give users the option to add/edit or email the contact while hovering over a phone number will give users the option to call the number.

NOTE: Click-to-call functionality requires integration with a VoIP system that allows external applications to launch phone calls and can only be used with phone numbers within the United States. Click-to-map functionality also works with U.S. based addresses only.

For more information, please refer to the SmarterMail Online Help.

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