Create a Signature

Creating a signature allow users to sign their emails and include information that can be useful to other users receiving the email. For example, email signatures may include alternative contact details, pertinent job titles and company names, social media links, legal disclaimers or other important information.

Applies to SmarterMail 8.x - 14.x

Follow these steps to create a signature in SmarterMail:

  1. Log in to SmarterMail as a user.
  2. Click the Settings icon.
  3. Expand the My Settings folder.
  4. Click Signatures in the navigation pane. A list of existing signatures and mappings will load in the content pane.
  5. Click the Signatures tab.
  6. Click Addin the content pane toolbar.
  7. In the Name field, type the name of the signature.
  8. Type the content of the signature in the text box.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Save again.

For more information, please refer to the SmarterMail Online Help. For help specifying which signature to use in messages, refer to the KB article Change the Signature in Email Messages.

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